Tutorial: How to find free campspots on BLM land in Or and WA


Wait for it to load. Scroll or double click to zoom in. If you don't see layers on the left, click the < arrow in the upper left (Where it says "I want to") and click "Show layers". Select "BLM Base Map (OR/WA). All the yellow areas, you can stay for days, for free. The legend in the upper left shows you what the types of land are, to reveal it hit the 3 horizontal bars. You can also use the HuntX app to confirm. I just used the trial.
Once you find a spot, right click on it and copy the GPS coordinates. Paste this into google for further reconnaissance in google maps.
For example, this is a spot I found and investigated. ( 45.644390, -122.932154 ) You can see it's only 35 minutes away from Portland, and 13 minutes to the nearest city. It had a gravel road going through a forest with a nearby creek. I found an old abandoned van, and a dead deer.
This is just one of the many nearby yellow squares on this map. Using the governments own website to confirm the land ownership is failproof. It's completely legal, that's land for Americans, across the 50 states there is blm land for you to use, for free. Enjoy.
You can also use this map to view the city limits. Anywhere out of city limits, as long as you're legally parked, is fair game afaik. At least in OR, there are no STATE laws against sleeping in your cars, and out of city limits, the city has no jurisdiction over you.

"I find caltopo to be very useful as well: http://caltopo.com/map.html#ll=40.28776,-110.56285&z=6&b=hyb&a=sma
That map is an overlay of all federal, state and local land. BLM is orange. Key is at the top right."


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